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Guide to the Medical Diagnosis Interpreter

Assisting and expanding on all of the sections of the MDI
Care Page Headers - Interpreter Guide
The free Medical Diagnosis Interpreter (MDI) is an online tool and a series of downloadable guides. All are designed to be used during a medical emergency, especially where you cannot speak or have difficulty communicating with a medical professional. The MDI provides you with an alternative tool that can help share all vital information relating to pre-existing conditions, pains and symptoms quickly and efficiently.

The online tool can be accessed via a laptop, smartphone, tablet or any device with a browser that connects to the internet. For those travelling where online access might be a problem or want a physical guide, then can use one of the many available downable guides.

The MDI is your free tool to help during a medical emergency

The MDI is your free tool to help during a medical emergency…more


MDI Main - Guide
The MDI was designed to be quick and easy to use, given the various sections and aspects of medical-related information. Therefore, this page is dedicated to helping you understand more about each area and a walkthrough or step-by-step how-to guide.

The help guide covers both the online and printed version; for each section, the online steps can be found in the white areas under each heading. The printed version guides can be found within the grey areas.

You can use the navigational buttons at the top of the page to quickly access any guidance sections. All you need to do is use the up arrow to go to the start of the page and then press the corresponding button, which best represents your preferred selection.


MDI Help - Language

The MDI offers literal translations for over 80 languages, translating terms linking vital information that a medical professional will need to establish quickly to make a diagnosis. Depending on the method, the MDI provides various options when communicating. The online version enables you to select the country for the medical professional. Whereas the downloadable versions are available within various themes, such as regions, countries, and groupings, each guide provides the common languages linked to that given theme.

Available versions

ONLINE (Language)

  • Go to the language section
  • Select the required country from the list
MDI Online - Language dropdown
  • Once you have selected the country, press next
MDI Online - Next button
  • If you need to go home or back at any point, you can use the buttons found at the bottom of each section


  • Select the country you will be visiting or the theme you require from the drop-down list
MDI Help - Print 4
  • Once selected, you will be shown all available guides that cover your desired country, language or theme
  • You can see all languages covered within a particular MDI document by viewing the front page of the document or the languages column within the edition section
MDI Help - Print 25


It is estimated that there are over seven thousand languages and dialects spoken around the world. When travelling, it is important to find out what languages are spoken where, as well, as key phrases and terms in those languages. The Gayther Worldwide languages guide features all of the main languages spoken around the world, organised by country and region. Discover all things languages today


MDI Help - Need Help
During an emergency, getting the help, you need quickly is critical. Depending on the type of emergency, the MDI provides translated terms for essential services, such as those seeking an ambulance, a doctor, first aid or a hospital. You only need to point or click on what you require; the picture and translated term will help whomever you ask to understand your needs.

Available versions


  • To be used when you need help in getting medical attention
  • Choose what type of care you require, emergency, doctor, medical treatment or hospital
MDI Online - Need
  • Once you have chosen the required care, tick the checkbox
  • Present your device to a native speaker; they will be able to read your needs based on the language located in the first box below the tick box
  • Once your requirements have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button


  • To be used when you need help in getting medical attention
  • Point to the type of care you require, emergency, doctor, medical treatment or hospital
MDI Help - Print 1


MDI Help - Personal Information
When in an emergency, it is crucial to convey information relating to you as quickly as possible. Providing medical professional details such as blood types, any special assistance you may need and information about you (name, age etc.). The information you provide can help the medical professional decide on the best course of action. Information that contributes to the treatment plan and your risk profile based on your age or the general status of your health.

Available versions

ONLINE (Requirements)

  • To help medical professionals understand your specific needs
  • Should a blood transfusion be needed to treat you, knowing your blood type can be crucial in urgent treatment
  • Tick the relevant blood group, if known
MDI Online -Blood Group
  • If you have specific needs, needs that the medical professional must be made aware of, such as being deaf, partially sighted or having difficulty speaking
  • Select all of the special requirements by ticking the relevant boxes
MDI Online - Special Requirements
  • Once your requirements have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Personal Info - A)

  • You can fill out the personal information section ahead of an emergency
  • It is advised that you write using BLOCK CAPITALS and write inside of the white boxes
  • Write in your name
MDI Help - Print 2
  • Write in your nationality
MDI Help - Print 3
  • Write in your age
MDI Help - Print 4
  • Tick your preferred gender or sex
MDI Help - Print 5
  • Tick if you have any special requirements
MDI Help - Print 6
  • Tick the box if you have any allergies. If you have allergies, you can detail them within section B
MDI Help - Print 7
  • Tick if you know your blood type or group
MDI Help - Print 8
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today

  ALLERGIES (Section B)

MDI Help - Allergies
Allergies cause a reaction within our body, where our immune system confuses something relatively harmless as a danger to us. Allergies can range from sneezing and itching to life-threatening where a person can have difficulty breathing. Treatments such as antihistamines and EpiPens can help anyone with an allergic reaction. The treatments help reduce swelling and quickly stop the reaction, reducing the risk to the person’s health. A medical professional must be aware of any allergies during a medical emergency. If not, you could be given certain medications or products containing substances that could cause an allergic reaction.

Available versions

ONLINE (Allergies)

  • If you suffer from allergies, you must inform the medical professional as quickly as possible. Your allergies may affect any treatment or course of action they may take
  • Tick all of the allergies that you have from the list
MDI Online - Allergies
  • Once your allergies have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Allergies - B)

  • You can fill out the allergies section ahead of an emergency
  • Tick all relevant allergies
MDI Help - Print 9
  • If your allergy is not listed or you wish to provide additional information, you can write it down within the other box
MDI Help - Print 10
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


MDI Help - Preexisting
Pre-existing conditions relate to medical or physical conditions that we have been previously diagnosed with or are currently experiencing. Many pre-existing conditions will require specific medication or other medications or treatments that could harm us or our health. For example, pregnant women must be careful that any treatment they receive is not detrimental to the baby. Someone on statins for high cholesterol may react if other medications are prescribed. Pre-existing conditions will have existed or been diagnosed before the emergency. We are still being treated for those conditions, and medical professionals should be aware of them.

Available versions

ONLINE (Pre-existing Conditions)

  • To be used if you currently have a medical or physical condition that could have an impact on any treatment given
  • Select all of the pre-existing conditions by ticking the relevant boxes
MDI Online - Pre-existing Conditions
  • If applicable, select the type or stage or your pre-existing condition from the drop-down list found above the language box
  • Once your pre-existing conditions have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Pre-Existing Conditions - C)

  • You can fill out the pre-existing conditions section ahead of an emergency
  • Tick all relevant pre-existing conditions. If applicable, also circle or tick any of the boxes under the sub-headings
MDI Help - Print 11
  • If your pre-existing condition is not listed or you wish to provide additional information, you can write it down within the other box
MDI Help - Print 12
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


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  MEDICATION (Section D/G)

MDI Help - Medication
The medication section relates to any prescription and self-medicated products. Prescription drugs or products are typically stronger and are prescribed by a medical professional for a specific problem or condition. Self-medicated drugs and products are usually ones that we can buy over the counter. The products are typically creams, headache tablets and flu medicines, usually to help with a specific problem or symptom. During an emergency, a medical professional must be aware of any prescription or self-medicated drugs you have taken and how long ago. Suppose the medical professional is not made aware. In that case, there is a risk that you might be overprescribed, which could result in an overdose.

Available versions

ONLINE (Medication)

  • To be used if you are taking or have taken any medication. You can list up to five medications in this section. If you need to list more, indicate this to the medical professional
  • Using your device’s keyboard or pad, type in the name of the medication
MDI Online - Enter Medication
  • Next, how long ago did you take or the medication frequency? Type in the appropriate number. For example, if you have taken one tablet in the past 24 hours, you would type in 1 and select daily
MDI Online - Medication How Many
  • Select either daily or hourly from the drop-down list
  • Finally, type in the measurement of the medication. The measurement is effectively the weight or size of the dose of the medicine. Usually, the weight of each tablet can be found on the packet of the drug or medication. For example, 500mg of paracetamol
MDI Online -Medication Measurement
  • Lastly, select the unit of measurement from the drop-down list
  • Once your medications have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button
  • If the medical professional is unsure of any of the terms or information displayed within the drop-down lists, they can refer to the key found towards the bottom of this section

PRINTED (Medication - D / Drugs/Medication Used - G)

  • You can fill out medication-related information in two sections, sections d and g
  • Section D is linked to specific medications such as ibuprofen that you have recently taken before seeking medical treatment
MDI Help - Print 13
  • Once you have selected any medication, you will need to state the amount of drugs taken and how long ago it was taken
  • Tick or point to the measurement of the drug taken. For example, if you took 500mg of ibuprofen, you would tick the MG box
MDI Help - Print 14
  • Next, you will need to tick the amount. In this example, five and then hundreds are selected
MDI Help - Print 15
  • Lastly, we will need to state when you last took the medication. In this example, we have selected 13 minutes (7+6) and minutes, which indicates it was taken 13 minutes ago
MDI Help - Print 16
  • If you have taken more than one medication, you can use the plus (+), Stop or Next option
MDI Help - Print 17
  • Plus is used when adding numbers together. For example, if you want to state 24 hours, you would point to 10 + 10 + 4 + hours
  • Stop means end or no more
  • Next indicates that you are ready to start explaining the next medication
  • Section G is typically used to describe any other drugs or medicines you usually or regularly take
  • The section is free-form text, which means you can write in your medication, frequency and amount
  • Write in the name of the medication
MDI Help - Print 18
  • Next, write in how many of those particular medications you have taken in the past 24 hours. For example, two tablets in the past 24 hours
  • Finally, write in the size or weight of the medication, circling the measurement used. For example, 500 milligrams
  • Once completed, move on to the next section

  Pain (Section E)

MDI Help - Pain
When we experience pain, a signal is sent from our body through our nerve fibres to the brain. Our brain interprets the pain, letting us know what hurts and where. Pain is unpleasant and, depending on the severity, can affect our ability to perform everyday tasks and mental health. Pain is often linked to damage, damage to our organs or tissue and requires immediate assessment by a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Available versions


  • To be used to express any pains you are experiencing, where on your body and how severe the pain is by using the pain scale
  • The body is broken down into sections, front, back and other
  • You can jump between the sections or the pain scale by selecting the relevant option
MDI Online - Human Body
  • The body will help isolate where the pain is occurring and all relevant body parts and terms
MDI Online - Front Body
  • Click on the section where you are experiencing the pain
  • Tick the relevant pain you are experiencing
MDI Online - Pain Body
  • Then jump to the pain scale, tick the level or scale of the pain
MDI Online - Pain Scale
  • Repeat for each pain you are experiencing
  • If a specific pain is not listed, you can use the free-text box located in the other box. All you need to do is type in the name of the pain in the box, allowing the medical professional the option to look up the term
MDI Online - Free Form Box (1)
  • Once all of your pains have been acknowledged by the medical professional. Press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Pain - E)

  • You can use the pain section during an emergency. The idea is to point or tick areas of pain
  • Point or tick to where the pain you are experiencing can be found on your body
MDI Help - Print 19
  • Next, point or indicate how long you have been experiencing the pain. For example, Pain + 2 + Hours means you have been experiencing that particular pain for the past two hours
MDI Help - Print 20
  • Finally, go to the pain scale section and point to or tick the pain level you are experiencing. For example, 1 represents a small amount of pain, whereas 10 represents excruciating pain
MDI Help - Print 21
  • If you have more than one pain, you can use the plus (+), Stop or Next option
MDI Help - Print 17
  • Plus is used when adding numbers together. For example, if you want to state 24 hours, you would select 10 + 10 + 4 + hours
  • Stop means end or no more
  • Next indicates that you are ready to start explaining the next pain
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


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MDI Help - Symptoms (1)
A symptom is a physical or mental reaction to an illness or disease. Our body will display particular signs depending on the condition and its severity. The signs can be anything from a headache to vomiting. The cannot section of the MDI is linked to the inability to perform a typical sensory or motor function, such as breathing, seeing or hearing.

Available versions

ONLINE (Symptoms I Cannot)

  • To be used to express any symptoms where you cannot perform a specific task or action
  • Select the symptom by ticking the relevant box
MDI Online -Symptom
  • Next, select the duration button from the options found at the bottom of the page
MDI Online - Symptom Duration
  • In the duration section, you can select a number and period to express how long you have been experiencing the symptom. For example, if you have had the symptom for two days, tick the other box and enter 48, followed by the hours box
MDI Online - Symptom Frequency
  • If a symptom is not listed, you can use the free-text box located in other. All you need to do is type the name of the symptom in the box, allowing the medical professional the option to look up the term
MDI Online - Free Form Box (2)
  • Repeat for each symptom you are experiencing
  • Once your symptoms have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Symptoms - F)

  • You can use the symptoms I cannot section during an emergency. The idea is to point or tick areas the related symptoms
  • Point or tick any symptoms you might be experiencing
MDI Help - Print 22
  • Next, point or indicate how long you have been experiencing the symptom. For example, Symptom + 2 + Hours means you have been experiencing that particular symptom for the past two hours
MDI Help - Print 26
  • If you have more than one symptom, you can use the plus (+), Stop or Next option
MDI Help - Print 17
  • Plus is used when adding numbers together. For example, if you want to state 24 hours, you would select 10 + 10 + 4 + hours
  • Stop means end or no more
  • Next indicates that you are ready to start explaining the next symptom
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


MDI Help - Symptoms (2)
A symptom is a physical or mental reaction to an illness or disease. Our body will display particular signs depending on the condition and its severity. The signs can be anything from a headache to vomiting. The feel or have is linked to a physical reaction or emotion. Our bodies can react in ways such as fatigue, confusion and anxiety.

Available versions

ONLINE (Symptoms I feel or Have)

  • To be used to express any symptoms where you feel or have specific conditions
  • Select the symptom by ticking the relevant box
MDI Online - Symptoms Have
  • Next, select the duration button from the options found at the bottom of the page
MDI Online - Symptoms Have Duration
  • In the duration section, you can select a number and period to express how long you have been experiencing the symptom. For example, if you have had the symptom for two days, tick the other box and enter 48, followed by the hours box
MDI Online - Symptoms Have Frequency
  • If a symptom is not listed, you can use the free-text box located in other. All you need to do is type the name of the symptom in the box, allowing the medical professional the option to look up the term
MDI Online - Free Form Box (3)
  • Repeat for each symptom you are experiencing
  • Once your symptoms have been acknowledged by the medical professional, press the next button to proceed to the next section
MDI Online - Next button

PRINTED (Symptoms - F)

  • You can use the symptoms I feel or have section during an emergency. The idea is to point or tick areas the related symptoms
  • Point or tick any symptoms you might be experiencing
MDI Help - Print 23
  • If your symptom is not listed or you wish to provide additional information, you can write it down within the other box
MDI Help - Print 24
  • Next, point or indicate how long you have been experiencing the symptom. For example, Symptom + 2 + Hours means you have been experiencing that particular symptom for the past two hours
MDI Help - Print 26
  • If you have more than one symptom, you can use the plus (+), Stop or Next option
MDI Help - Print 17
  • Plus is used when adding numbers together. For example, if you want to state 24 hours, you would select 10 + 10 + 4 + hours
  • Stop means end or no more
  • Next indicates that you are ready to start explaining the next symptom
  • Once completed, move on to the next section


When we travel abroad, most of us will have fun and pleasant visits, often without any major problems or incidents. In the event something bad happens, knowing who to call quickly can be a matter of life and death. The Gayther Emergency Services tool features emergency numbers for every country worldwide. With three separate methods for finding emergency service information, as well, as quick dial buttons, getting help quickly can be fast and simple


MDI Main - About

All about the Medical Diagnosis Interpreter

When in need of medical assistance, receiving treatment or in the event of an emergency, getting help is crucial. Communicating your current state of health, allergies or pre-existing medical conditions quickly to a medical professional can be a matter of life and death. This situation can worsen when travelling and speaking to non-native English speakers. Medically trained individuals can provide you with the urgent care you need but who might be struggling to understand what is being explained to them. To help you in this situation, we created the Medical Diagnosis Interpreter (MDI).

The MDI is an innovative way in which you only need to point or mark how you think and feel, using the many illustrations and translated terms. The tool enables the medical professional to use what is being shown to them to help them diagnose any underlining problems. The MDI is grouped in logical sections. Some can be completed before seeking medical attention (sections A, B, C, D and H). The remaining sections can be used during an emergency (sections E, F and G).

All vital information is needed to help the medical professional make an informed diagnosis. A diagnosis will ultimately help treat the condition, virus or illness.

A successful diagnosis typically requires three elements of crucial information:

  • Details of any pains, conditions or symptoms you have been experiencing, what hurts, where and for how long
  • Any medications you have already taken and how long ago
  • Any allergies, pre-existing conditions and important information about you to help with the diagnosis and treatment
Knowing the local emergency telephone numbers is crucial, whether at home or abroad. The Gayther guide not only provides the various telephone numbers for the emergency services worldwide but also common phrases in the native language
When travelling, as a non-native speaker of a language or when you cannot speak, communicating how you think and feel to a medical practitioner can be challenging. The medical diagnosis interpreter, also known as the MDI, is a free click and point solution where you can use literal translations for up to 89 different languages
We all need help sometimes, and when we do, it is crucial to know where to get the right advice and support. There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, services and solutions designed to help you in whatever you face. Search for support groups today


Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities
Discover more about the support groups and services to help people as they face some of their toughest challenges. Find out more about the different types and what each one represents
Discover all of the generations from the past 121 years. Learning about out interesting facts about their lives, the current world population and the environment from an LGBTQIA+ perspective
Learn more about the people forced to leave their homes due to war, violence or persecution. Discover the different types of refugees and their individual rights
Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the global LGBTQIA+ community. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself. Helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself. People from around the world from all age groups and backgrounds. Signup for your free Affinity account today

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Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community



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Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information displayed on this page is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute advice. It is essential that before travelling that you independently establish information relating specifically to your requirements and circumstances. Though we endeavour to keep all information across the site updated, we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information displayed. The languages and terms featured on this page are literal translations and have not been validated or verified. The service is provided free of charge, and by using it, you accept that you are doing so at your own risk. This page may contain external links to third party websites; Gayther provides these links for your convenience and does not endorse, warrant or recommend any particular products or services. By clicking on any external links, you will leave Gayther and be taken to the third-party website, which you do so at your own risk and by accessing the site, you will be required to comply with the external third party’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policies
Gayther Sitemap - Interactive Help (Red)


Gayther is one of the largest LGBTQIA+ community resources available online. Thousands of helpful pages, tools, and guides are all available for you to use for free. We know Gayther is extensive, so to help, we have created various easy-to-use search facilities, including the Interactive Sitemap Tool
  • Click on the icon found in the header or at the top of every page
  • Once you have clicked the icon the full screen menu will appear
  • All you need to do is to click each of the options which best suit your requirements

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