Gayther is one of the largest online collections of LGBTQIA+ community-related information, resources and services. Tools and guides designed to be fun and easy to use.
Gayther offers a platform providing positive content intended to inform, showcase and connect the global community and its allies. Young, old, vulnerable or healthy, we all sometimes need a little help and advice. Gayther Care is a service tailored to community members during the various stages of their lives, focusing on the themes of health and wellbeing.
We believe in taking pride in this amazing and diverse community and in the importance of representing all groups to ensure no one feels left behind
support, help and guidance
when we need it most
It is essential when seeking specialist care services to find providers that welcome the community and are equipped to meet its wants and needs…more
Being young or in your youth is much more than describing a person’s age. It is more a state of mind during a person’s life, full of excitement, energy, learning about the world around you, vulnerability and reliance on others. Being young is exciting and, at the same time, one full of fear and confusion. The older we become, the more aware we are of ourselves and how we think and feel
For some time, we have been experiencing targeted attacks on our websites, servers and social media profiles. We are a small to medium business that continually works hard to keep everything safe and secure. Due to this, our service might occasionally be slow to load due to an active attack. We apologise for any inconvenience, please be patient, and we hope you continue using the service. Unfortunately, it is an issue for any organisation representing a community that many individuals, governments and groups wish to silence
travel safety and information for the
LGBTQIA+ Community
discover more about the global
LGBTQIA+ Community
Gayther Quotes
never miss an
important event again
Discover, share and remember to always have
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80 languages
Gayther Quotes
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The main and biggest of all the Gayther directories. An easy-to-use tool that helps when you are looking for inclusive businesses and services in and around your area…more
Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the LGBTQIA+ community and their friends. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself, helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself from around the world and from all age groups and backgrounds. Get involved with groups discussions, ask questions or quickly search for inclusive business, services, and events near you. Gayther Affinity is committed to safeguarding its users. Through a closed network where user registration is required and enforcing block/report policies and functions to stop online abuse. Signup for your free Affinity account today.
There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help
Gayther...your community resource
Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community
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Care celebrates and takes pride in all of the groups and people that make up the community. The gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all groups with non-traditional gender and sexual identities, collectively known as the LGBTQIA+ community
Gayther is tailored towards the global community and works on the principle that no one is excluded. Regardless of their gender or sexual identity, everyone is welcome. Free to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history, the diverse community and its members and ultimately to bring people together, dispelling misinformation and mistrust.