Charities and NPOs

Non-Profit Organisations, also known as NPOs, are companies where all money raised is given or invested in support of the objective or mission of the organisation. Though money raised may be used to pay staff, business premises, and other expenses, no money is typically given to owners or stakeholders like conventional businesses.
Charities and NPOs, directly through their actions, raise awareness, funds and mobile people in making positive change happen for so many good causes.

Unlike traditional businesses, charities and non-profit organisations will typically have trustees rather than owners, and any profit made is spent solely on the mission or objective of the organisation. Setting up an organisation as a charity or NPO will typically get tax relief and reduced rates in the country where they operate.
The trustees and staff will raise awareness for the cause they represent and work on improving it somehow. Millions of charities and NPOs represent various plights, from medical conditions supporting abuse victims to causes affecting millions worldwide. People who donate to a charity or those who work for such causes will typically care passionately and want to help improve the lives of those affected.
Helping a Stranger (61%) | Donating Money (82%) | Volunteering (61%)
Helping a Stranger (78%) | Donating Money (70%) | Volunteering (37%)
Helping a Stranger (76%) | Donating Money (53%) | Volunteering (51%)
Helping a Stranger (80%) | Donating Money (30%) | Volunteering (65%)


Though it is a broad category, examples of organisations within this space include:
- performing and visual arts
- libraries, museums and cultural institutions
- public media

Charities and non-profit organisations operating within the personal support space are doing so to help people. From mental health to famine, the charities in this sector raise money and awareness to help the people directly affected by a given cause. Charities may offer dedicated support lines, fund medical procedures, and even send food and aid across the globe. Ultimately these types of organisations are helping people with specific problems and challenges, ones that they need outside help and support to overcome.
Though it is a broad category, examples of organisations within this space include:
- mental health
- famine and drought
- devastating effects of weather and climate change
- illness and long-term medical conditions
- support services (suicide prevention, elder care etc.)

Though it is a broad category, examples of organisations within this space include:
- environmental matters
- LGBTQIA+ rights
- refugee rights
- Black and Latin community rights
- Women’s rights

Though it is a broad category, examples of organisations within this space include:
- cancer and leukaemia research
- cognitive and degenerative diseases
- clean water solutions
- ocean cleaning initiatives
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