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Vatican City (Holy See)

Help and assistance for Refugees and Migrants


Learn more about the


Vatican City (Holy See) Flag
(pronounced - va-tuh-kuhn si-tee | ˈvætɪkən ˈsɪti)
OFFICIAL NAME: Vatican City State
DEMONYMS: Vatican, European
The Vatican City is part of the Southern Europe region in the continent of Europe. The name of the Vatican City is believed to have derived from the Latin word vaticinari, which means to prophesy. It is in the Northern hemisphere and is 0.44 square kilometres in size. The primary languages spoken are Latin and Italian, the capital city is Vatican City and the main currency used is the Euro.
Stylish country guides are available for download. Information for you on the go, providing you with all of the essential travel information, from common phrases in the local languages to what type of currency is used. Are you planning a trip? Download the guide and take this must-have travel companion with you.




LGBTQIA+ Equality - Medium-Low

What does the LGBTQIA+ equality status mean? Click here for more information


Key information relating to

Refugees and Migrants

* Most countries do not have a defined process regarding LGBTQIA+ asylum applications. The assessment carried out has been based on public records and statistics specifically relating to LGBTQIA+ individuals

LGBTQIA+ Refugee Statistics

The estimated refugee statistical information is adapted based on the refugee data finder service for the current year and by applying the formula used by the Gayther Population Index

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Refugee Country Guide - Asylum Icon (200px) - White


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Refugee Country Guide - Internally Displaced Icon (200px) - White


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Refugee Country Guide - Rank Icon (200px) - White


Knowing the local emergency telephone numbers is crucial, whether at home or abroad. The Gayther guide not only provides the various telephone numbers for the emergency services worldwide but also common phrases in the native language
When travelling, as a non-native speaker of a language or when you cannot speak, communicating how you think and feel to a medical practitioner can be challenging. The medical diagnosis interpreter, also known as the MDI, is a free click and point solution where you can use literal translations for up to 89 different languages
We all need help sometimes, and when we do, it is crucial to know where to get the right advice and support. There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, services and solutions designed to help you in whatever you face. Search for support groups today
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Common phrases and terms in the local language(s)
Refugee Country Guide - Translations Crime (500px)
scelus (latin) | crimine (italian)
abuse (latin) | abuso (italian)
timere (latin) | impaurito (italian)
auxilium (latin) | assistenza (italian)
asylum (latin) | asilo (italian)
mortem (latin) | morte (italian)
detencione (latin) | detenzione (italian)
curuli depelleret (latin) | spostare (italian)
sollicitans (latin) | rapimento (italian)
persecutionem (latin) | persecuzione (italian)
stuprum (latin) | stupro (italian)
timentes (latin) | impaurito (italian)
bellum (latin) | guerra (italian)
Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities
Refugee Country Guide - Section Image 2


LAST UPDATED:  June 18, 2024

Important communication information about the


×  MEDIUM RISK  | LGBTQIA+ discretion is advised. Though the country may have some progressive laws in place, there might be issues for refugees and migrants from the more



  • LGBTQIA+ RELATED | The country typically scores medium-high or medium-low within the Gayther Equality Index. The score means that the government and society are potentially transitioning regarding acceptance. Though the country may have some progressive laws in place in certain areas, they still need to make progress in the overall rights and protection for the wider local LGBTQIA+ community...more
  • CURRENT STATE | There are currently no known issues or armed conflicts taking place within this country
  • This country is categorised as being an authoritarian regime, where power is centralised and held by a specific group of individuals within the population and where there are suppressed or no political challengers...more
  • GENEVA REFUGEE STATUS | This country signed up to both the refugee convention and protocol, which outlines the agreed criteria, status and rights of refugees...more
  • LGBTQIA+ ASYLUM APPLICATIONS | Given this country's position on the LGBTQIA+ community, it is unlikely that they will accept asylum applications (membership of a particular social group) based on being persecuted for identifying with a specific sexuality or gender identity.
UNHCR Country Information Service



Refugee Country Guide - Government Badge
pontificia commissione | pontificia commissio
A government is comprised of a group of people within a given country with authority to govern a country or state. Governments are typically made up of heads of state (presidents, prime ministers or chief), departments and ministries which represent specific functions and provide services for all those citizens living within the country
Refugee Country Guide - Immigration Badge
holy see | sancta sedes
The immigration office or ministry is typically a department or organisation within a government that focuses on all things relating to immigration and residency. The department will often manage visa and residency applications, issuing of passports and national ids and all of the relevant rights for living within a given country
Refugee Country Guide - Section Image 1


Key information relating to

Healthcare Services

Gayther Healthcare - Universal Healthcare



Gayther Healthcare - Healthcare Category


None (Out of Pocket)

Gayther Healthcare - Healthcare Authority



Gayther Healthcare - Healthcare Name


curis officia


Learn more about the country and its

Physical Location

Refugee Country Guide - Geography Capital Icon


Vatican City

Refugee Country Guide - Geography Regions Icon


Southern Europe

Refugee Country Guide - Geography Continent Icon



Refugee Country Guide - Geography Hemisphere Icon



Refugee Country Guide - Geography Area Icon



(square kilometers)

Refugee Country Guide - Geography Ocean Icon



Region Image


With countries around the world treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community differently, planning an overseas trip can be challenging. With over 233 country and 435 regional guides, Gayther guides provide you with all the information you need when planning your trip. From LGBTQIA equality to essential travel information, discover Gayther guides today



The big directory comprises fourteen groups and over one thousand categories, from travel accommodation to home maintenance
There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help
The Care Providers and Services directory lists businesses and services that are inclusive and welcoming to all
There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, all designed to help you
The term refugee describes a person or group of individuals forced to leave their home due to war, violence or persecution
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The important telephone numbers relating to the

Emergency Services

Latin | Italian
Official Language(s) spoken in the Vatican City (Holy See)
The emergency service numbers within the Vatican City (Holy See) to call during an emergency
  • AMBULANCE - when someone is seriously ill or injured, and their life is at risk (emergency medical services and technical rescue)
  • POLICE - when you feel in danger, are in dangerous situations or have witnessed a crime (law enforcement, criminal investigation, and maintenance of public order)
  • FIRE RESCUE - when a fire occurs or where a person needs rescue (fire suppression, technical rescue, and hazardous materials mitigation)

ambulance (latin) | ambulanza (italian)


Call Ambulance Service Now

magistratus (latin) | polizia (italian)


Call Police Now

ignis (latin) | fuoco (italian)


Call Fire Service Now


The Gayther RM directory highlights all the charities, organisations, groups and services offering specialist support and guidance for LGBTQIA+ refugees and migrants. The directory categories include camps and centres, asylum advice services, reintegration and support. Search the RM directory today
Refugee Country Guide - Section Image 3


The distance to the top five

Safe Countries

Refugee Country Guide - Safe Country Section (500px)
A safe country of origin, defined within the Geneva Convention, is free from international or internal armed conflict. One that does not persecute, use the threat of violence or torture its citizens, whether temporarily or permanently. Furthermore, it neither endorses nor implements inhuman, degrading treatments or punishments. Lastly, it operates a democratic system, and the general political environment allows for civil freedoms. Each country implements its own definition of what makes a safe country, and all countries do not use one list
Quickly find all the information you need when planning a trip. Home to over 600 detailed country and regional guides, including a wide range of general information as well as dedicated LGBTQIA+ specific details
Search over 900 unique weather locations using the fun and interactive weather tool. Discover the best time to travel to a specific area, when is it the hottest, when is the least chance of rain or when it might snow
Planning a trip takes time and effort. Deciding where to go and how to get there can be a challenge. The interactive travel tool is home to thousands of airports, trains, buses and ports worldwide


When travelling, getting around often takes time and planning. The Gayther travel and transport section features thousands of airports, trains, metro stations, ports and many more modes of transport across the globe. Discover our interactive tool, featuring enhanced airport and metro station listings making it even easier to get from A to B


Common phrases and terms in the local language(s)
Refugee Country Guide - Translations Process (500px)
processus (latin) | lavorazione (italian)
applicant (latin) | richiedente (italian)
litterae quibus nomen datur (latin) | modulo di richiesta (italian)
investigator asylum (latin) | richiedente asilo (italian)
civitas (latin) | cittadinanza (italian)
regia originis (latin) | paese d'origine (italian)
diem natalis (latin) | data di nascita (italian)
obsessio (latin) | spostamento (italian)
genus (latin) | genere (italian)
advenus (latin) | migrante (italian)
nomine (latin) | nome (italian)
genus (latin) | nazionalità (italian)
probationem (latin) | prova (italian)
fugit (latin) | profugo (italian)
religio (latin) | religione (italian)
reditus (latin) | ritorno (italian)
sexualitatis (latin) | sessualità (italian)
statum (latin) | stato (italian)
transit (latin) | transito (italian)
It is estimated that there are over seven thousand languages and dialects spoken around the world. When travelling, it is important to find out what languages are spoken where, as well, as key phrases and terms in those languages. The Gayther Worldwide languages guide features all of the main languages spoken around the world, organised by country and region. Discover all things languages today
Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the global LGBTQIA+ community. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself. Helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself. People from around the world from all age groups and backgrounds. Signup for your free Affinity account today
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Key metrics relating to how the Country treats the

LGBTQIA+ Community

Discover more about the community
Learn more about how this country treats members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The equality index is based at a national level and covers areas ranging from same-sex marriages to gender recognition


learn the literal translations of key LGBTQIA+ terms in the local languages/dialects
Lesbian Flag
lesbian (latin) | lesbica (italian)
Gay Flag
gay (latin) | gay (italian)
Bisexual Flag
bisexual (latin) | bisessuale (italian)
Transgender Flag
transgender (latin) | transgender (italian)
Intersex Flag
fusce ut (latin) | intersex (italian)
Asexual Flag
asexualis (latin) | asessuale (italian)
Questioning Flag
ex us interrogatis (latin) | interrogare (italian)
Community Flag
civitas (latin) | comunità (italian)
Gender Flag
related genus (latin) | relativo al sesso (italian)
Sexuality Flag
related sexualitas (latin) | relativo alla sessualità (italian)
Non-Bingary Flag
non binarii (latin) | non binario (italian)
Queer Flag
queer (latin) | queer (italian)
Refugee Country Guide - Language Country (300px)
Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today
Refugee Country Guide - Section Image 4
The Gayther SGC directory is designed to highlight the non-profit organisations (NPO), charities, support groups and advisory services that provide essential services to the LGBTQIA+ community. From providing advice and support for those in need to saving lives, learn more about the platform to highlight these services. Search the SGC directory today
Refugee Country Guide - Section Image 5
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The country name in

Many Languages

Discover the name of this country in other languages. The name is sorted by country name and languages spoken (in alphabetical order) and can be accessed by clicking on the quick links below. If you want to learn more about any given country, please click on the flag or the country name, which will open the required content in a new window

Afghanistan Flag
- (dari) | واتیکان ښار | هولي وګوره (pashto)
Albania Flag
qyteti i vatikanit | selia e shenjtë (albanian)
Algeria Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
American Samoa Flag
aai vatikana | vaai paia (samoan)
Andorra Flag
ciutat del vaticà | santa seu (catalan)
Angola Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Anguilla Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Antigua and Barbuda Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Argentina Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Armenia Flag
վատիկան | սուրբ աթոռ (armenian)
Australia Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Austria Flag
vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german)
Azerbaijan Flag
vatikan | müqəddəs taxt (azerbaijani)

Bahamas, The Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Bahrain Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Bangladesh Flag
ভ্যাটিকান সিটি | পবিত্র দেখুন (bengali)
Barbados Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Belarus Flag
ватыкан | святы пасад (belarusian) | ватикан | святой престол (russian)
Belgium Flag
vaticaanstad | heilige stoel (dutch) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german)
Belize Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Benin Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Bermuda Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Bhutan Flag
- (dzongkha)
Bolivia Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | - (aymara) | - (quechua)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag
vatikan | sveta stolica (bosnian) | vatikan | sveta stolica (croatian) | ватицан цити | света столица (serbian)
Botswana Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | - (tswana)
Brazil Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
British Virgin Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Brunei Darussalam Flag
kota vatican | takhta suci (malay) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Bulgaria Flag
ватикана | светият престол (bulgarian)
Burkina Faso Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Burundi Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | - (kirundi)

Cambodia Flag
បុរីវ៉ាទីកង់ | វិសុទ្ធ (khmer)
Cameroon Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Canada Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Caribbean Netherlands Flag
vaticaanstad | heilige stoel (dutch) | vatican city | holy see (english) | - (papiamentu)
Cayman Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Central African Republic Flag
- (sango) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Chad Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Channel Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Chile Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
China Flag
梵蒂冈 | 罗马教廷 (mandarin)
Colombia Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Comoros Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | - (comorian) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Congo, D.Rep Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Congo, Rep Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Cook Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | vatican city | tirohanga tapu (māori)
Costa Rica Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Croatia Flag
vatikan | sveta stolica (croatian)
Cuba Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Cyprus Flag
πόλη του βατικανού | αγία έδρα (greek) | vatikan şehri | vatikan (turkish)
Czech Republic (Czechia) Flag
vatikán | svatý stolec (czech)

D E F  
Denmark Flag
vatikanstaten | hellige stol (danish)
Djibouti Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Dominica Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Dominican Republic Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
East Timor (Timor-Leste) Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese) | - (tetum)
Ecuador Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Egypt Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
El Salvador Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Equatorial Guinea Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Eritrea Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | ከተማ ቫቲካን | ቅድስቲ ርኣዩ (tigrinya) | - (tigre) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Estonia Flag
vatikan | püha tool (estonian)
Ethiopia Flag
ቫቲካን ከተማ | ቅድስት መንበር (amharic)
Falkland Islands (Las Malvinas) Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Fiji Flag
- (fijian) | - (hindustani) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Finland Flag
vatikaani | pyhä istuin (finnish) | vatikanstaten | heliga stolen (swedish)
France Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
French Guiana Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french guianese creole)
French Polynesia Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)

Gabon Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Gambia, The Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Georgia Flag
- (abkhaz) | ვატიკანი | წმიდა საყდარი (georgian) | - (ossetic)
Germany Flag
vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german)
Ghana Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Gibraltar Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Greece Flag
πόλη του βατικανού | αγία έδρα (greek)
Greenland Flag
- (kalaallisut) | vatikanstaten | hellige stol (danish)
Grenada Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Guadeloupe Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Guam Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | - (chamorro)
Guatemala Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Guinea Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Guinea-Bissau Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Guyana Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)

H I J  
Haiti Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | vil vatikan | sentespri a (haitian creole)
Honduras Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Hong Kong Flag
梵蒂岡 | 羅馬教廷 (cantonese) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Hungary Flag
vatikán | szentszék (hungarian)
Iceland Flag
vatíkanið | páfagarður (icelandic)
India Flag
वेटिकन सिटी | होली सी (hindi) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Indonesia Flag
kota vatikan | tahta suci (indonesian)
Iran, Islamic Republic of Flag
شهر واتیکان | مقرّس (persian)
Iraq Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Ireland Flag
cathair na vatacáine | suí naofa (irish (gaelic)) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Isle of Man Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Israel Flag
קריית הוותיקן | הכס הקדוש (hebrew)
Italy Flag
città del vaticano | santa sede (italian)
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Jamaica Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Japan Flag
バチカン市国 | バチカン市国 聖座 (japanese)
Jordan Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)

K L  
Kazakhstan Flag
ватикан | қасиетті тақ (kazakh)
Kenya Flag
vatican city | holy see (swahili) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Kiribati Flag
- (gilbertese) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Korea, North (D.Rep) Flag
바티칸 시국 | 교황청 (korean)
Korea, South (Rep) Flag
바티칸 시국 | 교황청 (korean)
Kosovo, Republic of Flag
qyteti i vatikanit | selia e shenjtë (albanian) | ватицан цити | света столица (serbian)
Kuwait Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Kyrgyzstan Flag
ватикан | ыйык такта (kirghiz)
Laos Flag
ເມືອງວາຕິກັນ | ສັກສິດ (lao)
Latvia Flag
vatikāns | svētais krēsls (latvian)
Lebanon Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Lesotho Flag
motse oa vatican | holy see (sesotho) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Liberia Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Libya Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Liechtenstein Flag
vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german)
Lithuania Flag
vatikanas | šventasis sostas (lithuanian)
Luxembourg Flag
vatikan stad | hellege stull (luxembourgish) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german)

Macau Flag
梵蒂岡 | 羅馬教廷 (cantonese) | cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Madagascar Flag
vatican city | holy see (malagasy) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Malawi Flag
vatican city | holy see (chichewa) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Malaysia Flag
kota vatican | takhta suci (malay)
Maldives Flag
- (dhivehi)
Mali Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Malta Flag
belt tal-vatikan | santa sede (maltese) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Marshall Islands Flag
- (marshallese) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Martinique Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Mauritania Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Mauritius Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Mayotte Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Mexico Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Micronesia, F.S Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | - (chuukese) | - (kosraean) | - (pohnpeian) | - (yapese)
Moldova Flag
orașul vatican | sfântul scaun (moldovan)
Monaco Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Mongolia Flag
ватикан | гэгээн хараа (mongolian)
Montenegro Flag
ватицан цити | света столица (montenegrin)
Morocco Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Mozambique Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Myanmar Flag
ဗာတီကန်စီးတီး | သန့်ရှင်းသောကြည့်ခြင်း (burmese)

Namibia Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Nauru Flag
- (nauruan) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Nepal Flag
भ्याटिकन सिटी | होली सी (nepali)
Netherlands Flag
vaticaanstad | heilige stoel (dutch)
Netherlands Antilles Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
New Caledonia Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
New Zealand Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | vatican city | tirohanga tapu (māori)
Nicaragua Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Niger Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Nigeria Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Niue Flag
- (niuean) | vatican city | holy see (english)
North Macedonia Flag
ватикан | светата столица (macedonian)
Northern Mariana Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | - (chamorro) | - (carolinian)
Norway Flag
vatikanstaten | hellige stol (norwegian)

O P Q  
Oman Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Pakistan Flag
ویٹیکن سٹی | ہولی سی (urdu)
Palau Flag
- (palauan) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Palestine, State of Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Panama Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Papua New Guinea Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Paraguay Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | વેટિકન સિટી | હોલી સી (guaraní)
Peru Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | - (quechua)
Philippines Flag
lungsod ng vatican | holy see (filipino)
Pitcairn Islands Flag
- (pitkern) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Poland Flag
watykan | stolica apostolska (polish)
Portugal Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Puerto Rico Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Qatar Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)

R S  
Reunion Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Romania Flag
orașul vatican | sfântul scaun (romanian)
Russia Flag
ватикан | святой престол (russian)
Rwanda Flag
umujyi wa vatikani | byera reba (kinyarwanda) | vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Saint Barthelemy (Barts) Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Saint Helena Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Saint Kitts and Nevis Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Saint Lucia Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Saint Martin (Dutch) Flag
vaticaanstad | heilige stoel (dutch) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Saint Martin (French) Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Samoa Flag
aai vatikana | vaai paia (samoan) | vatican city | holy see (english)
San Marino Flag
città del vaticano | santa sede (italian)
Sao Tome and Principe Flag
cidade do vaticano | santa sé (portuguese)
Saudi Arabia Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Senegal Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Serbia Flag
ватицан цити | света столица (serbian)
Seychelles Flag
- (seychellois creole) | vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Sierra Leone Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Singapore Flag
梵蒂冈 | 罗马教廷 (mandarin) | vatican city | holy see (english) | kota vatican | takhta suci (malay) | வாடிகன் நகரம் | ஹோலி சீ (tamil)
Slovakia Flag
vatikán | svätá stolica (slovak)
Slovenia Flag
vatikan | sveti sedež (slovene)
Solomon Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Somalia Flag
magaalada vatican | see more (somali) | مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
South Africa Flag
vatikaanstad | heilige stoel (afrikaans) | vatican city | holy see (english) | - (southern ndebele) | motse oa vatican | holy see (sesotho) | idolobha lasevatican | i-holy see (zulu) | - (northern sotho) | - (tswana) | - (swazi) | - (venda) | - (tsonga)
South Sudan Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Spain Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish) | ciutat del vaticà | santa seu (catalan) | cidade do vaticano | santa sé (galician)
Sri Lanka Flag
වතිකානු නගරය | ශුද්ධාසනය (sinhalese) | வாடிகன் நகரம் | ஹோலி சீ (tamil) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Sudan Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Suriname Flag
vaticaanstad | heilige stoel (dutch)
Swaziland (Eswatini) Flag
- (swazi) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Sweden Flag
vatikanstaten | heliga stolen (swedish)
Switzerland Flag
vatikanstadt | heiliger stuhl (german) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | città del vaticano | santa sede (italian) | città del vaticano | santa sede (romansh)
Syria Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | vatican city | holy see (english)

Taiwan Flag
梵蒂冈 | 罗马教廷 (mandarin)
Tajikistan Flag
шаҳри ватикан | нигоҳи муқаддас (tajik)
Tanzania Flag
vatican city | holy see (swahili) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Thailand Flag
นครวาติกัน | ดูศักดิ์สิทธิ์ (thai)
Togo Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Tokelau Flag
- (tokelauan)
Tonga Flag
- (tongan) | vatican city | holy see (english)
Trinidad and Tobago Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Tunisia Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Turkey (Turkiye) Flag
vatikan şehri | vatikan (turkish)
Turkmenistan Flag
watikan şäheri | mukaddes gör (turkmen)
Turks and Caicos Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Tuvalu Flag
- (tuvaluan) | vatican city | holy see (english)

U V W X Y Z  
Uganda Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Ukraine Flag
ватикан | святий престол (ukrainian)
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
United Kingdom (UK) Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
United States of America (USA) Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Uruguay Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
US Virgin Islands Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Uzbekistan Flag
vatikan | muqaddas taxt (uzbek)
Vanuatu Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | cité du vatican | saint-siège (french)
Vatican City (Holy See) Flag
vatican city | s. sedis (latin) | città del vaticano | santa sede (italian)
Venezuela Flag
ciudad del vaticano | santa sede (spanish)
Vietnam Flag
thành vatican | toà thánh (vietnamese)
Wallis and Futuna Flag
cité du vatican | saint-siège (french) | - (wallisian) | - (futunan)
Yemen Flag
مدينة الفاتيكان | الكرسي الرسولي (arabic)
Zambia Flag
vatican city | holy see (english)
Zimbabwe Flag
vatican city | holy see (english) | vatican city | holy see (shona) | - (northern ndebele)
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